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February 02, 2022 3 min read


Vertically or horizontally - just how should cabinet pulls be mounted?

Well, we get this question a lot, and we answer that most commonly, pulls are mounted horizontally on drawers and vertically on cabinet doors.

But hold up! Wait! That isn't the ONLY design scheme for mounting cabinet pulls!

There are some other options and configurations for mounting your door and drawer pulls in your kitchen.

Let's take a look at the four most common ways to mount cabinet pulls on kitchen drawers and doors.



The "standard" way to mount cabinet pulls is to mount all pulls horizontally on drawers and vertically on cabinet doors. Mounting pulls in this traditional way is an exceptional design esthetic and super functional.

The following diagram shows the "standard" pull mounting with all upper and lower cabinet doors with vertical pulls, while the drawers have horizontal pulls.

how to mount cabinet pulls on kitchen cabinets? pulls horizontally on drawers and vertically on cabinet doors
The "standard" way to mount cabinet pulls is to mount all pulls horizontally on drawers and vertically on cabinet doors

The kitchen, shown above is all about the "standard" way to place cabinet pulls on kitchen cabinets. Do you notice how all the cabinet doors have pulls mounted vertically, while the drawer pulls are horizontally mounted?


It is not uncommon to see some pulls mounted horizontally on upper cabinets. Some kitchen cabinet configurations include top-hinged cabinets. These compact cabinets are a great way to make use of every storage nook possible!


For these top-hinged cabinets, it is not unusual to mount the pull horizontally along the bottom of the cabinet door. Pulls mounted horizontally suit this style of cabinet's function of lifting from the bottom up.  


Sometimes, you will see top-hinged cabinets, especially cabinets that are above other cabinets, where the pulls are mounted horizontally on a cabinet door.



This kitchen features top-hinge cabinets with horizontal pulls, making for great storage and easy access to less often used items.


This kitchen features top-hinge cabinets with horizontal pulls, making for great storage and easy access to less often used items.


For some, pulls being mounted horizontally is the way to go!

For this option, all of the base and upper cabinet doors would have pulls mounted horizontally in this pull mounting option. 

Typically this is seen in more modern kitchens and often times when using Euro bar pulls.


kitchen cabinet diagram showing ALL PULLS placed HORIZONTAL



A kitchen with all cabinet pulls mounted horizontally on all the cabinets and doors.
 The following picture shows a modern/transitional kitchen with cabinet pulls placed horizontally on all of the cabinets and drawers.



Putting a twist on the traditional configuration is the combo.


While the standard is to have all doors having a vertically mounted pull and all drawers having a horizontal mounted pull, the combo mixes up cabinets with both vertical and horizontal pull placement.


This style of pull placement is handy on base cabinets which have spaces for  for recycling or trash bins or other sliding cabinets doors. Although they may be shaped as a cabinet door, these types of cabinets will often operate more like a drawer and open using a slide, so the pull mounted horizontally is more functional and just makes sense.




The above colorful kitchen showcases how cabinet doors have different pull placement, both horizontal and vertical, depending on the function and location of the door.
The above colorful kitchen showcases how cabinet doors have different pull placement, both horizontal and vertical, depending on the function and location of the door.



Wrap Up

Yes, the standard way to mount your cabinet pulls is that pulls are mounted on cabinet doors vertically and on drawers horizontally, but as you can see, there are other options.

Choosing the right kitchen cabinet hardware design will always come down to proportion, function, and preference, so find a style and function and size of cabinet pull that works for your kitchen and makes you happy!

What do you think? Leave us some feedback!  And, to find out more about how to find the best size of pull for your kitchen cabinets drawers, check out our blog: How to Choose the Best Size Pulls For Your Cabinet Drawers.


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